Dear family and friends,
Transfers are this Wednesday! Sister Baker is leaving and I am staying
in Yonkers with Sister Hansen. Which also means I am driving for the
first time in 7 months. In New York. Where blinkers and lanes are
optional and turn lanes don't exist. Yaaaaay.
But Sandra, Kelvyn, and Andrew's baptism was awesome! I love that
family! Andrew (age 9) got out of the font and said "Wow! That was
Also, we visited a family who told us that unicorns and fairies really
exist here in an alternate universe and that because our mitochondria
produce energy (which light is a form of) we need to feed our body
with light because our bodies are light. Which is the reason why we
need the gospel in our lives. Also, the 6th commandment applies to
animals and plants as well as humans. Oh the things we learn from our
members... And that was all in Spanish!
I got a blessing from the elders yesterday to help me with taking over
the area and it was awesome! God sends us places for us a reason and
He will help us do the things he sent us here to do. So here we go...
I love you all! Thanks for your love and support!
Hermana Hall
Transfers are this Wednesday! Sister Baker is leaving and I am staying
in Yonkers with Sister Hansen. Which also means I am driving for the
first time in 7 months. In New York. Where blinkers and lanes are
optional and turn lanes don't exist. Yaaaaay.
But Sandra, Kelvyn, and Andrew's baptism was awesome! I love that
family! Andrew (age 9) got out of the font and said "Wow! That was
Also, we visited a family who told us that unicorns and fairies really
exist here in an alternate universe and that because our mitochondria
produce energy (which light is a form of) we need to feed our body
with light because our bodies are light. Which is the reason why we
need the gospel in our lives. Also, the 6th commandment applies to
animals and plants as well as humans. Oh the things we learn from our
members... And that was all in Spanish!
I got a blessing from the elders yesterday to help me with taking over
the area and it was awesome! God sends us places for us a reason and
He will help us do the things he sent us here to do. So here we go...
I love you all! Thanks for your love and support!
Hermana Hall